English - Higher Level
Equivalency Testing for Career Development is the examination board and awarding body.
Higher Level English correspondence course
This Higher Level course is designed for students who need an equivalent qualification at GCSE level and comprises of 12 assignments. Approximate self-study time of about 4 hours per week is required.
There are no prerequisites for starting this course, however a reasonable level of proficiency in literacy skills is assumed.
Students should revise the Equivalency Testing syllabus prior to booking an examination. An outline of topics covered is provided below.
Course materials
An assignment booklet and revision guide is provided to any student who chooses to complete the course.
Course tutor
All coursework is marked by a specialist tutor who will give constructive feedback where necessary. Contact with tutors is by email onl
Higher Level English Examination
The examination is 2 hours in duration. Students should spend no more than 40 minutes on each of the three sections listed here:
Section A: Reading (to show comprehension and understanding)
Section B: Writing (appropriate language, grammar, spelling and punctuation)
Section C: Poetry (analysis and comparison of two unseen poems)
Examination materials or equipment
Online examinations require a PC or laptop with working camera.
Examination grading
Students need to achieve Grade 4 level to pass (however your chosen university may require you to achieve a Grade 5 pass).
Grade 1 (25% to 34%)
Grade 2 (35% to 44%)
Grade 3 (45% to 54%)
Grade 4 pass (55% to 64%)
Grade 5 pass (65% to 74%)
Grade 6 pass (75% to 84%)
Grade 7 pass (85% to 100%)
When can I take the exam?
New dates are added regularly. Check Exam Dates page for availability.
Topics covered in the syllabus:
- Technical writing skills: good sentence and paragraph construction to aid clarity, purpose and effect. Appropriate use of grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.
- Creative writing skills: Produce a written text for a specific audience and purpose. Effective and coherent use of standard English. Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone and style.
- Comprehension.
- Read texts in order to consider how established writers use narrative and descriptive techniques.
- Explain, comment and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers.Compare of how different writers convey ideas and perspectives.
- Compare and contrast two texts in order to consider how each represents a perspective or viewpoint to influence the reader.
- Understand the meaning of the selected poems, demonstrating knowledge of most common poetic techniques.
- Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas.
- Evaluate texts critically, supporting with appropriate references.
Coursework and Examination
Students can choose our combined ‘home study and exam’ option in the core subjects of Maths, English, Biology and Combined Science. This flexible approach means home study coursework can be completed any time, and examinations are scheduled on a weekly basis.
Email info@equivalencytesting.com to request full details on the subject you would like to study.

Examination only
If you have completed the course, or you want to choose an ‘exam only’ apply here to sit an examination.